School Management

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    Judul: School Management

    Penulis: Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti
    Editor: Dr. Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra, S.H., S.Pd., M.Pd., Dr.Eng. Heru Sukoco, S.Si. M.T.
    ISBN: –
    Halaman: viii, 155 hlm
    Cover: Soft Cover
    Ukuran: 14 x 20 cm
    Berat: 320 gr

    School management manages the school by planning, organizing, directing, and supervising schools to achieve stated educational goals. Good education management can improve the quality of education and create a conducive learning environment. This can help students reach their maximum potential and prepare them for a successful future.
    School management is an effort to improve school performance in achieving educational goals, both national and institutional. Every school has several factors performance indicators to be achieved. Management for schools can also be interpreted as the process of managing and administering schools. Management here intends to empower human resources and other resources to achieve school goals. The concept of education or school management is divided into two aspects, namely external and internal management.
    The author hopes that this book can be used as a valuable guide for readers who want to know more about the concept of school management. Hopefully this book can add insight and inspiration to all readers.


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